Good Vibes Psychology provides quality psychological assessments for kids and adolescents from 3 to 16 years of age.

We provide information regarding Child Development, Cognition (IQ) and Working Memory, ADHD, Autism, Developmental Delay, Child Behaviour, Anxiety, Emotional Regulation, Social Skills, Learning Difficulties (incl. Dyslexia) and more…

Our assessments help to clarify your child’s mental health and learning needs.

We also offer parent sessions to discuss parenting issues and provide you with guidance. We can help you advocate for your child. We have a mobile service available at Campbelltown, Picton and Oran Park.

We are also happy to act as Independent Assessors for NDIS Applications.

This is when your child’s primary difficulty might be with Intellectual Development or Autism Spectrum Disorder.
We now offer NDIS approved assessments in addition to those leading to diagnosis under the DSM-V. These include the Pedi-cat and the Vineland 3.
These assist in showing how impairments affect your child’s daily life.

Milly and the Worry Bird

We are happy to announce that our new picture book:

Millie and the Worry Bird – Helping Children Identify and Cope with Anxiety

is NOW AVAILABLE for purchase.

Go to or click the link below for more details.

For discounted copies contact
Hardcover $20.00
Softcover $15.00

Our Children are our Greatest Joy in Life. Let's teach them with Kindness and help them with Generosity of Time and Spirit.